About the Association


The vision of the International Association of Grey System and Uncertainty Analysis(GSUA) is to be recognized as the world leading society for the advancement of theory and application in Grey System Theory and Uncertainty Analysis.


The mission of the International Association of Grey System and Uncertainty Analysis(GSUA) is to serve the interests of its members and the community at large by promoting the theory, practice, and interdisciplinary aspects of Grey System Theory and Uncertainty Analysis. It is accomplished through conferences, publications, and other activities that contribute to the professional needs of its members.


The following fundamental values provide the foundation for all GSUA activities:

· Membership: Maximize the value of being a member.

· Professionalism: Advance knowledge and professional development.

· Excellence: Deliver high quality and relevant services and products.

· Integrity: Act with honesty and fairness.

· Collaboration: Achieve results and excellence through teamwork.

· Communication: Promote honest and transparent interactions.

· Diversity: Embrace diversity of members and their ideas.

· Empowerment: Empower volunteers and value their contributions.

· Equality: Provide equal opportunities to all members.

· Respect: Practice respectfulness in all relationships.


Development the Ideas, concepts, methods, models of grey systems theory (GST) and general uncertainty systems theory (GUST) and modeling, analytical techniques, and their in-depth applications in various fields of social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering technology.